[Translate to English:] Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume eröffnet gemeinsam mit Hochschulpräsident Prof. Dr. Clemens Bulitta den Digital Business Campus. (Quelle: OTH Amberg-Weiden/Wiesel)
At the opening ceremony, Science Minister Markus Blume emphasised: "With the OTH Amberg-Weiden, we are turning the Upper Palatinate into Digital Valley: And the new modular building for the 'Digital Business Campus' will be the centre for smart digital ideas.We have invested around 3.35 million euros here from the Hightech Agenda Bayern modular construction programme.With clever and at the same time extremely sustainable construction methods, we have succeeded in further improving the infrastructure at our universities.This is how square, practical, good works in Bavarian."
University President Prof. Dr Clemens Bulitta emphasised the importance of the new Digital Business Campus for OTH Amberg-Weiden's digitalisation activities: "We have been consistently expanding our digital activities for years, from new degree programmes such as Artificial Intelligence and Digital Business to additional professorships and state-of-the-art laboratories. The Digital Business Campus is a further step into the future and expands the spatial capacities for teaching, studying, research and transfer. As a bridge between business and science, we want to make an important contribution to the regional economy."
The construction of the modern and attractive building was financed with 3.35 million euros from the Hightech Agenda Bayern modular construction programme; the total cost of the construction project was 4.75 million euros.
The difference was covered by the university's own funds and donations, such as those from the Maria Seltmann Foundation.The construction work was carried out in close cooperation between the university and the Amberg-Sulzbach State Building Authority.
Active learning environment for sustainable and practice-orientated teachingSimple beauty, modern and highly functional - this is how the new building can be described. Two lecture theatres and the large "Digital Business Lab" laboratory are at the heart of the new building, which covers a total of 876 square metres. "Our aim was to create an active learning environment through the design of the physical space, which will enable sustainable teaching and practice-orientated learning in the long term. The focus is on communication and collaboration between students and lecturers, particularly in the large lecture theatre and laboratory," said Vice President Prof Dr Christiane Hellbach, explaining the concept. In addition, conditions have been created to carry out digital business projects together with companies in the transfer and to promote digital training and start-ups.
Sonja Wiesel, M.A.
Head of University Communication and Public Relations
East Bavarian Technical University (OTH)Amberg-Weiden
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 23
92224 Amberg
Tel. (09621) 482-3135
Email: s.wiesel@oth-aw.de